"IoW Resident" wrote in message
wrote in message
On Mon, 14 Jan 2008 10:40:24 +0000, Fuschia
On Sun, 13 Jan 2008 23:25:16 +0000, Sacha
On 13/1/08 23:07, in article ,
"Fuschia" wrote:
On Sun, 13 Jan 2008 22:48:58 +0000, Sacha
On 13/1/08 18:55, in article
"Fuschia" wrote:
On Sun, 13 Jan 2008 16:49:40 -0000, "'Mike'"
I note with very great interest that the following has not been
.................................................. .........................
It's because "anything to do with guns and war and killing" is
wrong, Stewart! Guns, and war, and killing is thought to equate
patriotism, nationalism, jingoism - and these things too equate
to each
other and are also thought to be just as wrong!
I believe the attitude stems from fashion, ignorance, fear, and
It was patriotism, nationalism, jingoism which led to the totally
deaths of millions in WW1.
Were you / Are you / Would you be a Conscientious Objector?
Kind regards
.................................................. .........................
Once again kind regards
You have earned a reputation for starting arguments and not
to any opposing point of view, and for being generally offensive and
You should not be surprised therefore if people avoid responding to
For all the reasons you give, I think you'll find he's in so many
kill files
that his post was probably not seen by the person to whom it was
That is very likely Sacha.
But there would be no need for kill files if he would just realise
that no-one wants him.
He must be very lonely if this is all he can do to get attention.
Nothing gets through. He thinks he's funny or clever but almost everyone
else thinks he's boring and pathetic. Ignore him.
I wonder if www.iowtours.com know that he sends out all these
offensive posts with their name on?
Perhaps we should email some of them to the manager.
That's a good idea Fuschia. If anyone wants to complain about him the
relevant addresses are all shown he
Probably a waste of time. They must know what he's like already.
We don't want him to take the company tag off his emails - it's a good
thing because it tells people looking for a travel agent who they might
end up dealing with! All the locals have got the message now.
The last thing we want is for him to lose his job, otherwise he won't get
the discounts and go on so many cruises. The only peace we get on the IoW
newsgroup is when he's on a boat, and I guess it's the same here.
I find it quite amazing just how little people understand the world outside
their little enclave.
HOWEVER, as there was so much inbreeding on the Isle of Wight before the
'Overners' populated the Island, it is quite understandable the ignorance of
those here now.
Might I respectfully suggest "IOW Resident", that you do a little research
into "Travel Agents" and "Group Travel Organisers" before spreading your
wings onto such a newsgroup as this one?
I am afraid that your posting has done nothing for the well being and
intelligence of the Isle of Wight citizen in general.
For your learned information, I have today been to a """Travel Agent""" to
make further arrangements for my next Winter's Cruise and will be with the
"""Group Travel Organiser's""" Managing Director tomorrow organising more
reunion for ex service people.
Once again, a poke has been taken at me and all that has been shown, is that
someone didn't know which foot to put in their mouth when they opened it
An Isle of Wight resident to boot :-(( Sad reflection on the rest of us.
Kindest POSSIBLE regards
www.rneba.org.uk. The Royal Naval Electrical Branch Association.
'THE' Association to find your ex-Greenie mess mates.
www.iowtours.com for all ex-Service Reunions. More being added regularly