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Old 14-01-2008, 11:02 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Eddy Eddy is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2008
Posts: 241
Default OT Remembrance Monday Bank Holiday petition

Sacha wrote:
If you feel you'd like to Eddy, do email me and tell me about your family
and which island they were in - not Alderney, I hope! Remove the 'weeds'
from my address for email.

Thanks, Sacha. That's really kind. The truth is that the whole episode
is riven with pain. My parents went to an extraordinary length to
forget what the internment did to my grandparents & uncle but their
effort at suppression ultimately failed, and tragically. At the same
time, my father who amazingly survived five years flying in Bomber
Command, suffered horrific flashbacks & memories until he died. It's
all awful. I have looked into it all in depth only recently and a
little while ago saw that for my own happiness I needed to put it
largely aside, though never entirely of course.

You could say that this attitude is part of the problem why the young
don't care or know about what happened. Even we, the children, of those
who were directly involved, find it too painful to constantly remember!

Best Wishes,