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Old 14-01-2008, 09:01 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Mike....... Mike....... is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2008
Posts: 3
Default Allotment law proposals

Following up to Sacha wrote:

"As time as moved on, what a lot of people are looking for now is a
recreational open space.

Our (newly elected after years in opposition) council took that idea
on board and proposed closing the sites, and amongst other things,
putting in concrete walkways between the plots for some reason and
then re opening them. They didnt seem to realise they would be
wrecking things like asparagus beds, it caused a near riot at the
council meeting with hundreds of alotmenters attending and the issue
being brought forward to item 1 so it could be quickly dumped. I was
quite surprised when the chap on the next plot to me strode up to the
leader in the full council meeting (he had told me he knew him) and
had a personal go at him, I think the ushers or whatever they are
called were getting quite nervous!

Personally I dont see how allotments can make very good "recreational
open space", that would be the parks that surround many allotments,
wouldn't it?
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