On 13/1/08 20:02, in article ,
"someone" wrote:
"Mary Fisher" wrote in message
"David in Normandy" wrote in message
The Mrs spotted some unusual house plants in the garden
centre the other day. Small bushy green plants a bit like
box, but with small yellow flowers at the tips. Another,
similar variety had orange flowers. On closer inspection
all these flowers had been stuck on with glue!!!
The plants were real enough, just the flowers were plastic.
Surely there is a wide enough range of attractive house
plants without buying such monstrosities? Or am I being old
Each plant was covered in flowers - to think that someone
must have sat for ages gluing them all on.
David in Normandy
I've seen cactus plants like that.
Definitely naff.
One can only assume that these things were imported from some third-world
country where they pay people a pittance to glue flowers onto live plants.
I recently bought from a garden centre a cheap remaindered Tillandsia in a
small pot. But the pot was packed with Spanish moss *dyed pink*. I am
trying to keep both the Tillandsia and the Spanish moss alive, but I don't
know if the Spanish moss will survive the dye.
Dunk it in water and see if the dye will wash off? Run water over it in a
colander and ditto?
South Devon
(remove weeds from address)
'We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our