Thread: OT "The Wars"
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Old 13-01-2008, 10:17 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
'Mike' 'Mike' is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Dec 2006
Posts: 1,407
Default OT "The Wars"

"Space" wrote in message

" you are a bad bad man. how can you justify using the above topics for
your own gratification? you are a disgrace.

I wonder if you would be good enough to show how I brought the above
subject to uk.rec.gardening. According to my understanding and reading,
it was brought by someone else and has been sustained by others,
including one subscriber who I have reason to believe is a Conscientious
Objector, and within the aforementioned thread, I asked said person what
they would have done had Hitler crossed into England and what he would
have done to defend his family and neighbours.

You will observe of course that "O.T." is in the subject line in
accordance with the usual charter. Are all "O.T." matters to be monitored
now, even those referring to other "O.T." threads?

I look forward to your prompt reply on future "O.T." subjects

Kindest regards


I agree it is OT I did not say that you "started this", but what is
disgraceful is that you feel the need to carry this on. I have not been
following this thread, and I do not need to. the person in question has I
assume still not responded to you. there are numerous reasons for this.

why drag this on and on and on? you are a bad bad man

you are a disgrace.

Excuse me, but on checking back through the thread, there are FOUR people
'dragging it on', yourself being one of them!!!

Kindest regards


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