"Fuschia" wrote in message
On Sun, 13 Jan 2008 16:49:40 -0000, "'Mike'"
I note with very great interest that the following has not been answered.
................................................ .................................................. ...
It's because "anything to do with guns and war and killing" is simply
wrong, Stewart! Guns, and war, and killing is thought to equate to
patriotism, nationalism, jingoism - and these things too equate to each
other and are also thought to be just as wrong!
I believe the attitude stems from fashion, ignorance, fear, and
It was patriotism, nationalism, jingoism which led to the totally
deaths of millions in WW1.
Were you / Are you / Would you be a Conscientious Objector?
Kind regards
................................................ ...........................................
Once again kind regards
You have earned a reputation for starting arguments and not listening
to any opposing point of view, and for being generally offensive and
You should not be surprised therefore if people avoid responding to
Thank you so much for your incorrect observations.
The subscriber's postings were that of a Conscientious Objector and I was
going to ask him what he would have done had Hitler crossed to England in
1940. To what extend he would have defended his family and neighbours.
Kindest regards
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