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Old 13-01-2008, 06:17 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Bob Hobden Bob Hobden is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2006
Posts: 5,056
Default Looking after Kucle plant

"Tom" wrote ...
Hi, I've just bought one of these but the care instructions are in german,
french and spanish, and I can't find anything on the web.

It's a plant with citrus fruit.

I was told to
1) Keep it outdoors from Spring to October, then indoors for winter.
2) Water it once a month with feed every second month.

Does anyone know where the best place is in my flat to place it please? Do
they like direct sunlight? Is dry heat from radiators a problem? Do they
suffer from the cold?

Thanks for any help, I'm pretty new to this.

It's a hybrid between... Fortunella margarita & Citrus reticulata.
Best kept frost free but it does not require or want heat, the coldest room
in the house will do, provided it's light enough. We keep our citrus in a
plastic roofed garage over winter with no heat except anything that creeps
through the walls (and they are cavity insulated). I've noticed today more
flowers on the largest orange.
Water very sparingly in winter but once it's outside in a sunny spot then
water to keep the compost moist but never let it stand in water so don't use
a water tray or if you have to raise the pot up, just let the pot drain
through. All citrus are gross feeders so I feed every other watering with a
good flush through with clean water between.
If you repot, I always use ericaceous compost (with added drainage), whilst
citrus do not need such soil they do prefer it.

Bob Hobden
17mls W. of London.UK