"Martin" wrote in message
On Sun, 13 Jan 2008 12:59:24 GMT, Eddy
Stewart Robert Hinsley wrote:
I have difficulty understanding why
1) being about to teach about the world wars and the Holocaust should be
so noteworthy as to be worthy of being declared in the staff room.
2) why doing so should be the occasion of being the recipient of black
It's because "anything to do with guns and war and killing" is simply
wrong, Stewart! Guns, and war, and killing is thought to equate to
patriotism, nationalism, jingoism - and these things too equate to each
other and are also thought to be just as wrong!
I believe the attitude stems from fashion, ignorance, fear, and
It was patriotism, nationalism, jingoism which led to the totally
deaths of millions in WW1.
Were you / Are you / Would you be a Conscientious Objector?
Kind regards
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