Winter salad
On Thu, 27 Dec 2007 01:50:21 -0800 (PST), michael
I usually try to gro some winter salad to use occasionally when the
lettuce has run out or not too good-I have never found winter lettuce
very appetising.I have been growing red chicory,but this goes mushy as
soon as the winter rains come and it cannot dry.My big success this
year is rocket.I thought that rocket was a summer plant but have
discovered that it is very tough.It seems to stand very hard frosts
(-5C)and come back unscathed,and a little warmth takes it into
growth.My current plants are from seed set in early August (I normally
grow them in modules) and they are brilliant.I also have american
cress and lambs lettuce to give me a nice combination through the
winter.I live in south Manchester.Cheers,Michael
Hi Michael; a question.
Is the rocket under any cover? Sounds good!
Pam in Bristol