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Old 11-01-2008, 03:41 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Bob Hobden Bob Hobden is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2006
Posts: 5,056
Default How Can I post to the newsgroup

"Mea505" wrote...
I would like to know how I can post to the
newsgroup that has to do with plants. The last time I attempted to do
so, I was asked to join "," which costs more money beyond
what I already pay for Internet.

Because I have my settings for "no mail," please respond directly to
me at .

Cox is a US ISP and I suggest you search their site to see if they allow the
use of Binary Newsgroups, quite a lot don't.
If not you will have to subscribe to one of the independent Newsgroup
providers that do but they charge.

As someone else says, no doubt your ISP allows you some web page space so
use that, download a free FTP Browser like Terrapin, which I use, and you
can then post your photos to your own web space and include some information
as well. If I can do it anyone can. :-)
However. my ISP does support Binary Groups so I don't have your problem

Bob Hobden
17mls W. of London.UK