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11-01-2008, 03:23 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Jeff Layman
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2007
Posts: 193
I don't know anything about weed killer. Is this one safe to use in
soil that you want to grow fruit and veg. ?
I am absolutely against this. I would also check with your allotment
committee and your plot neighbours if this is allowed and if they
don't mind. (I'd also add that if you are planning to sell your
vegetables as asked previously, you need to check your council, as
that is not allowed unless specified otherwise, and get a licence if
your allotment is not certified organic by the FSC, because food stuff
might be contaminated with chemicals and metals etc.). We have 120
plots and we are all organic. We don't sell our surplus but share it,
which is much nicer.
Does any council insist on chemical-free gardening for an allotment holder?
Can an allotment committee insist on it even if the council doesn't?
(cut "thetape" to reply)
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Jeff Layman
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