"Sacha" wrote after...
"Bob Hobden" replied
Rotovators are big and heavy, few are small enough to fit in a car and
are light enough to lift. I lift mine in and out of my Defender van but
6ft and have been described as built like a brick ...... :-) As the
go on I might have to resort to a trailer I can push it onto. If you only
have a car it might be worth considering a trailer anyway, muddy tools
soon ruin a car's interior no matter how careful you are, I speak from
experience which is why I now have a proper allotment vehicle too.
Excuse me for butting into this to ask a question. A friend of mine would
like to know if it's illegal to sell the produce you have grown on an
allotment. She's American and an admirer of Alan Coren. She read a story
of his about a child who found his parents selling their produce and
on them!
Depends on the local Council, ours allows you to sell your excess produce
and a friend of mine does just that to fund his seed purchase but they are
strict about plots not being used for commercial gain and have thrown people
off sites when they have found out they used the plots for growing plants
for their garden design firm. Ours do check plots out during the year to see
what's being grown and how well the plots are tended.
Bob Hobden
17mls W. of London.UK