Thread: allotments
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Old 10-01-2008, 04:34 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
'Mike' 'Mike' is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Dec 2006
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Default allotments

"Sacha" wrote in message
. uk...
On 10/1/08 15:14, in article , "Bob
Hobden" wrote:

Rotovators are big and heavy, few are small enough to fit in a car and
are light enough to lift. I lift mine in and out of my Defender van but
6ft and have been described as built like a brick ...... :-) As the
go on I might have to resort to a trailer I can push it onto. If you only
have a car it might be worth considering a trailer anyway, muddy tools
soon ruin a car's interior no matter how careful you are, I speak from
experience which is why I now have a proper allotment vehicle too.

Excuse me for butting into this to ask a question. A friend of mine would
like to know if it's illegal to sell the produce you have grown on an
allotment. She's American and an admirer of Alan Coren. She read a story
of his about a child who found his parents selling their produce and
on them!

I worked with a chap when I lived in Leicester who had 3 Allotments with a
friend and ran it as a commercial venture.


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