Following up to Fred wrote:
He suggested I hire a strimmer to cut back the growth and a
rotavator to dig the soil. Is this a good idea or should I check he
doesn't own the hire shop
as you will want to cut grass on a regular basis i would buy a honda
4stroke (good make) brush cutter/strimmer, you can use this to cut
the grass long term. Do wear the protective gear. Nobody likes a dog
turd in the face (well most dont).
Om my site some swear by rotovator and other say useless!
pro: no backbreaking work, you just repeat until the weeds give up.
anti: rotovator cuts couch grass roots into little segments that all
then grow!
BTW which way does the slope run (south facing would be nice)? I would
choose one over the other if it looked less vulnerable to vandalism
(non proximity to estate type housing).
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