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Old 09-01-2008, 10:53 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
BAC BAC is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 243
Default Non-hibernating Grey Squirrels

"Malcolm" wrote in message

In article , BAC

"Sheila" wrote in message

"BAC" wrote in message

"Elizabeth" wrote in message
Has anyone else got non-hibernating gray squirrels this year?

Everybody within the grey squirrel's range has non-hibernating grey
squirrels, because they do not hibernate.

I wish everyone who has a gray squirrel would get rid of them, I live in
Formby, one of the last few places where our native Red lives, and is
being kept from the imported American Grey

It isn't necessary to kill all grey squirrels everywhere in the UK just to
keep them out of Formby.

Wrong. It is vital, not just necessary, to kill grey squirrels anywhere
where they are putting our increasingly endangered red squirrel
populations at risk, including many areas in Scotland.

Whilst I may accept it could be expedient to eliminate grey squirrels
"anywhere where they are putting ... red squirrel populations at risk", say
by maintaining a grey free 'cordon sanitaire' around the red squirrel
enclave, that policy doesn't need to be extended to 'everywhere in the UK',
since there are few red squirrel populations left at risk in the UK. Most of
England and Wales, for instance, has no red squirrel populations, and
killing grey squirrels in Kent, say, would make absolutely no difference to
the survival prospects of remnant red squirrel populations such as those
hanging on in locations like Formby, parts of Scotland, Anglesey, or the
Isle of Wight. Hence my statement 'It isn't necessary to kill all grey
squirrels everywhere in the UK just to keep them out of Formby' is not
"Wrong", on the contrary, it is true and accurate.