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Old 08-01-2008, 10:02 PM posted to,,,misc.rural,
Elmo[_3_] Elmo[_3_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2008
Posts: 3
Default Feedback about Orange Oil Terminte Treatment?

Edward Hennessey wrote:
"Frank" frankdotlogullo@comcastperiodnet wrote in message
. ..
Edward Hennessey wrote:
"Sammy bin Snoozin" wrote in message
Anyone have personal experience with treating their own house with
orange oil (D-limonene) or similar type product? .... how effective it,
toxicity compared with more commonly used methods, etc.

Here is one company I'm looking at...

Thanks in advance!

Orange County coast, Calif.


According to an article in the L.A. Times about 2 years back, only the
common gas
treatments involving tenting are really effective. That includes oils,
microwaving and freezing
approaches amongst the discredited. If you are not certain of your
gassing provider, a friend in the industry says to weigh the bottle
before application as certain unscrupulous individuals have been known to
pad the bottom line by providing service with a depleted container.


Edward Hennessey

Might ask, if limonene works, how come there are termites in Orange

Don't think there is enough data on limonene. I know from personal
experience with ant spray, that it did not work and stunk up kitchen.



The trick with termites is getting to where they are. As they make a habit
of walling off their
galleries with digested debris whenever they breach into an opened space,
you somehow
have to get through that. Volatile gases like the halogens used in termite
work accomplish this.
The pressures and closure you would need for a liquid to do the same seem to
the prospect.

Interestingly, if you do open the galleries and the abundant Argentinian
army ants which also infest Southern California are around, goodbye
termites. In fact, PBS had a show recently
sited in Africa where the locals effectively used certain ants in their
houses after they had exposed termite activity.


Edward Hennessey

She swallowed the spider to catch the fly
But I don't know why she swallowed the fly
Perhaps she'll die