Non-hibernating Grey Squirrels
On Tue, 8 Jan 2008 12:14:21 -0000, "Clive in Kent"
"Elizabeth" wrote in message
.. .
Has anyone else got non-hibernating gray squirrels this year?
Normally I can feed the birds at this time of year without the feeders
being raided
Elizabeth in Renfrewshire, Scotland.
Removex to reply
Yes I have down here in Kent, Elizabeth. One persistant little b*****d who
runs off as soon as I get my air rifle cocked!!
I read somewhere that the grey squirrel doesn't hibernate
Clive in Kent
I don't think they hibernate at all. Our Garden in the south is full
of them all year round, and at the moment they are busy destroying all
the bird feeders. They are pests, but such cute pests!