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Old 05-01-2008, 12:33 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Duncan Duncan is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2006
Posts: 34
Default Back Garden Burial.

"Mogga" wrote in message
On Thu, 3 Jan 2008 11:29:49 -0000, "Kate Morgan"


we buried our Peter in the back garden. we did not ask permission and
was over 10 years ago now. I had a HDD recorder for Xmas and was
transferring family pictures over from VHS to the brought
back many memories just watching him, happily playing where he is now
buried. we could not bring ourselves to have any more after he is to emotional......he was a lovely rabbit ;-(

I think that most people bury their pets in the garden without asking
they ? I want to be cremated and my ashes spread on the gallops up on
Hill Gloucestershire or chucked on the muck heap, I think the muck heap
wins. My husbands ashes will be spread on his workshop floor cos that is
where he spends hours and hours, not on the floor I hasten to add but in
workshop :-)


Only slightly OT... asked if rats could go in the food waste bin for
composting and told no. So asked what to do with dead rats that we
found (Other cat food can go in the food waste bin but not rats
So the nice chap from the council told us they come out and take them
away and to ring up. I asked if there was a charge, and there is if
it's on your land, but not if it's on the pavement - and they don't
know how it got onto the pavement.

We don't get a lot of dead rats but I wouldn't want to bury it in the
garden. It might encourage more.
Ah fetch it yourself if you can't wait for delivery
Or get it delivered for free

My old boss buried his dead cat in the back garden - only to have a fox dig
it up a couple of nights later!