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Old 03-01-2008, 09:10 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
pied piper pied piper is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2006
Posts: 120
Default charges for gardeners, again, it keeps coming around :-)

"Anne Jackson" wrote in message
The message from "pied piper" contains these

"Anne Jackson" wrote in message
The message from "pied piper" contains these

If its that simple do it yourself if u want a proper job done
then pay a professional. Im sure u wouldnt object paying that
amount for a roofer,brickie,chippie,plumber etc etc a gardener
is just as skilled and has the same overheads .
What would be left after tax ni transport fuel etc etc .
Its ok for the odd jobbers who top up their pensions and just
doddle about but for the self employed who need to make a living
out of it u need to charge the going rate.
I wouldnt take anything on that was less than 5k per year.
And I find people like u quite insulting to the trade.

There's no need to be nasty to Kate, she is quite right to
question the fact that someone is charging £25 an hour!

I own a roofing company, and I pay my roofers £15 an hour,
and I have no trouble whatsoever getting good workmen for
that rate!

So u pay them £15 an hour but what do u charge an hour including
cost of materials etc. Plus the overheads of running your business?
Plus gardening requires more skill and knowledge than roofing.

I don't charge by the hour, the charge is per metre...
"Keeping a garden tidy" most certainly does not require more skill
and knowledge! THAT was the question that Kate asked, was it not?

Her daughter wants the garden TIDIED, not LANDSCAPED!

AND the word is YOU, we don't use textspeak in here...

I can type and use what I like imagine if gardeners charged by the metre.
Yet another idiot who thinks gardening is not a skilled job why are U even