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Old 03-01-2008, 03:15 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
pied piper pied piper is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2006
Posts: 120
Default charges for gardeners, again, it keeps coming around :-)

"Kate Morgan" wrote in message
snip Which is best?

but its only cutting a bit of grass which would go on the compost heap
and a few twigs that would burn, not doing a big job.


If its that simple do it yourself if u want a proper job done then pay a
professional . Im sure u wouldnt object paying that amount for a
roofer,brickie,chippie,plumber etc etc a gardener is just as skilled and
has the same overheads .
What would be left after tax ni transport fuel etc etc .
Its ok for the odd jobbers who top up their pensions and just doddle
about but for the self employed who need to make a living out of it u
need to charge the going rate.
I wouldnt take anything on that was less than 5k per year.
And I find people like u quite insulting to the trade.

yes indeed I could fly up to Scotland every couple of weeks and do the job


Why not it will keep u from keeping the minimum wage at an all time low