old giant leylandiis
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02-01-2008, 09:12 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 95
old giant leylandiis
Nick Maclaren wrote:
In article ,
| newsb wrote:
| The only benefit from the trees seems to be that a bunch of starlings
| seem to be nesting there. They're not even any good for the woodburning
| stove
| Not true (the burning bit), Leylandii are quite acceptable for burning
| in a woodburning stove if they're well seasoned/dried, just like any
| other wood.
Yes. Conifers are rarely suitable for burning in an open fire, as the
resin makes them 'spit', but that is not a problem in a stove.
No significant spitting from the Leylandii unless you get some twiggy
bits in with it. If you burn the leaves it's quite exciting!
| Leylandii wood is actually quite hard and more like a hardwood than a
| softwood in many ways, it's nothing like pine.
Pines vary. Some can be fairly hard.
Yes, OK, I was just comparing Leylandii with the odd bits of our Scots
pine (I think) that we've burnt.
Chris Green
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