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Old 02-01-2008, 07:06 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Chris J Dixon Chris J Dixon is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2006
Posts: 310
Default old giant leylandiis

redg wrote:

thanks everyone for the replies, I feel a bit better about all this
now, however these trees are a lot taller than 11 feet. When I had
quotes for reducing them all, and removal of waste it was 700 quid,
they said it would be 7 tonnes! anyone know a reputable tree surgeon
for the Botley, Oxford area?

A near neighbour of mine has apparently been the victim of a
scam. Some itinerants called, and told him that he had to let
them trim several large trees because the chap next door had
complained, which was completely untrue.

To say the result was butchery would be an understatement. They
didn't remove any material, and charged him £400 for the job.

He has since clearly decided that his only option is to have the
trees completely removed, and the whole garden done. This team
appear to be working weekends only, and seem to have done the job
OK, but more by good luck than good management.

They had a reasonably large conifer to bring down, without room
to drop it in one. I saw no goggles, ear defenders or safety
clothing in evidence whilst using a chain saw. An extended
sectional ladder rested against the tree, but wasn't secured to
it. There was some form of personal safety loop, but is was only
clipped to the ladder, the top rung of which rested insecurely
against the trunk. The chain saw was deployed at about head
height, but having no goggles the operator had to look away from
the cut. Meanwhile the second man had to leave his position
footing the ladder to heave on the rope hoping to persuade the
section to fall the right way.

Chris J Dixon Nottingham UK

Have dancing shoes, will ceilidh.