Flowering a two entirely separate and distant-from-each-other clumps of
snowdrops, Fuchsia excocorticata, which flowers on bare stems and is showing
plenty of buds and three flowers already out, as is an unidentified shrubby
Lonicera which seems to flower on and off all year. The Chaenomeles on the
house wall is flowering, Vinca major is abundantly flowering and a very
short-stemmed squill (we think) is putting in an appearance. Hellebores of
various colours are giving a good show in one area of the garden and a
Rhododendron has opened one bud and clearly has plenty to follow any minute
now. Camellias Taka-Nini, Narumi-Gata and two mystery ones are in full
Two Fuchsias microphylla are covered in their charming little flowers and a
few daffs have buds and so does a large leafed and unusual Buddleia Ray
can't remember the name of! A Westringia is flowering well towards the
bottom of the garden but we do fear the forecast for the latter part of this
week. ;-(
Daphne bholua, Lonicera purpusii and a variety of Sarcococcas are working
their scented magic on the garden. I picked three stems of the latter to
put in our sitting room tonight and the scent is almost too much. I'll have
to take a couple of stems out tomorrow and put them somewhere else!
South Devon
(remove weeds from address)
'We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our