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Old 01-01-2008, 10:41 PM posted to alt.animals.ethics.vegetarian,uk.environment.conservation,uk.rec.birdwatching,uk.rec.gardening,uk.politics.animals
Adenoid Hynkel . Adenoid Hynkel            . is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Dec 2007
Posts: 9
Default My Goodness New Years Day and the usual suspects are still at it!

On Tue, 1 Jan 2008 20:41:18 -0000, "Jim Webster"

"pearl" wrote in message
"Malcolm" wrote in message

Whilst most of us went off to have a good old knees up, some auld lang
syne and some real traditional values.

Which undoubtably includes gorging on a "real traditional" meal
of parts of dead animals - animals raised using many millions of
hectares of what was once natural habitat, both UK and abroad.

too right, tear down the cities immediately and kick the inhabitants out to
be hunter gatherers and fruitarians

should be a fun january

Not for you Jumbo. Manual work was never your thing!


My greatest speech to the peasants

pam the SPAMMERS send an email to

England / Angelic Upstarts

The red in the flag is the blood that was spilt
In the way that your forefathers tell
And never a country has been so great
The stories Britannia could tell

I never want to live my life
Away from the golden shores
There's never a country in the world
With the scent of an English rose

England oh England a country so great
A land that's so fair and so true
There'll never be any colours like
The red the white and the blue

Whenever you go to a far off land
There's something goes with you
The pride and the joy and the love that comes
For your mother of red white and blue

You could never be born under a flag that's like
The one of the Union Jack
St.Georges spirit has never died
It all keeps coming back