New Beech Hedge
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01-01-2008, 06:14 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2007
Posts: 2,995
New Beech Hedge
On 1/1/08 15:01, in article
"Martin" wrote:
Of the 57 we bought from Bakker 4 survived. I think if they had known they
have charged extra for the survivors.
That's really extraordinary. If they were bare-rooted I wonder if they
lifted them too early. Quite often, we we get people getting slightly
impatient because such stock hasn't come in and we have to explain that they
won't be dug up until the leaves have fallen.
course, much will depend on time of year, plants chosen, how they're
planted, soil, careful watering etc. Just as a matter of interest, were
your failures all in one area, or were they dotted about?
They were random within the area planted.
When my wife took them back and asked for the refund that had been promised,
guy refused and said she should have returned them immediately. If we had it
wouldn't have given them a chance to come into leaf, nor would we have known
which to take back :-) A typical example of the way the Dutch honour
Not worth the paper, by the sound of it!
Planting densely and staggered is usually done for stock-proof fencing -
perhaps it helps with vandals and nosy neighbours, too!
Don't talk about obnoxious near neighbours we had our house bombarded with
fireworks for hours yesterday.
We heard a few but at a distance. Today our fireworks have been the crow
South Devon
(remove weeds from address)
'We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our
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