old giant leylandiis
On 31 Dec 2007, 19:12, (Nick Maclaren) wrote:
In article ,Dave Hill writes:
| Why not have them cut down to 6 or 7ft stumps and then use these for
| growing something like climbing roses, clematis etc over.
If you kill them, in 5-10 years their roots will rot and they will
fall over. If you don't, they will regrow and be as much trouble
in 5-10 years.
Nick Maclaren.
I have never known Leylandii regrow from the trunk, only from
remaining green growth.
And if you get 5 to 10 years of use as a support then that's not bad
as most posts used for the job would only last that long, and by then
you have no problems with having to dig out the stumps.
David Hill
Abacus Nurseries