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Old 30-12-2007, 10:41 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
W W is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Dec 2007
Posts: 4
Default Need help to identify this plant

wrote in message
On 28 Dec, 22:32, "W" wrote:
In my office we have a plant that has a trunk like a yucca and leaves
like a
small rhubarb. Does anyone know what it is, it does not have a label and
one knows!

I'm no expert on house plants but you got me going all day with this -
I keep thinking of a dracaena or cordyline, because of the stem, then
for the leaves there's heuchera, rheum, even some begonias but none
have a single stem like you've mentioned. What are the colours of the
leaves and stem?

Thanks for replying. I have imaged searched on Google on all of these plant
names and nothing really matches. The trunk is dark brown, nearly black and
the leaves are an even dark green.