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Old 28-12-2007, 02:57 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Graham Bowers Graham Bowers is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Dec 2007
Posts: 1
Default Rhododendron and foundations

I hope this is a suitable question for this group, but I could do with a
bit of help. I'm not much of a gardener, by the way.
Our house is 8 years old and has a rhododendron about 4 feet from the
South facing wall of the house. This area is shaded from the South by
next door, which is about 10 feet from our house.
The Rhododendron is about 10 feet high and has two trunks, one 5 inches
dia and on 4 inches dia at ground level.
The soil is Leicestershire clay. There is a drain 6 feet from the shrub.

The reading I have done so far on the internet indicates the shrub is
too close to the house, being the size it is.

But, my wife likes it, although she'll agree to it going if it's going
to cause damage.

So, two questions, please?
1) Do the panel concur with the predictions of doom?
2) What would be a suitable replacement plant that could be coaxed to
forming some sort of archway across to the house, bearing in mind the
shady nature of the location?
