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Old 20-12-2007, 07:04 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
'Mike' 'Mike' is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Dec 2006
Posts: 1,407
Default Happy Christmas!

"Anthony" wrote in message

May I just add to what Sacha has said as well.

We too are off at the crack of dawn to board Cunard's new Queen Victoria
for Christmas and the New Year with all our family as it will be our
Golden Wedding on December 26th

Cruising south to warmer climes returning on January 6th.

As we are taking all the family, who normally descend on our house at the
sea side to house sit for us when we go cruising, we have some wonderful
friends from the North Island, known to the inhabitants as 'England', and
they are making a Christmas Party at the Sea side whilst house sitting
and feeding the animals and birds.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all


Wow, that must have cost a few stamps!!!
Have a good one


Yes it did Anthony, but you can't take it with you can you? Why not get rid
of it and enjoy it whilst you can, and what better way that taking your
children with you? We have a few more cruises booked yet, an even bigger
better one for Christmas 2008/New Year 2009. We don't sit looking at
Picassos, Clarice Cliffe, Penny Blacks and Queen Anne Silver, we don't wear
Rolex etc etc etc. Having worked in a Prison I know only too well that they
could 'disappear' overnight, OK the insurance would pay up, but what then?
My children are very well catered for and they have told us to 'Enjoy it'

Many thanks for your good wishes. We had a wonderful Golden Wedding
presentation from the Management and Staff at the company I organise the
reunions though. The whole company were at the presentation :-))

Wonderful to have friends :-))

Best wishes


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