Thread: Broad beans
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Old 18-12-2007, 12:26 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
[email protected] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Dec 2007
Posts: 6
Default Broad beans

On 18 Dec, 10:42, "Wally" wrote:
I noticed that some other allotment holders had
broad beans early this year, when I asked was told
that they was planted in the autumn and overwintered,
so I planted some myself this autumn.

Went to check how things was progressing and found
that the frost has knocked them flat.

Should I have done something to protect them and will
they pick up ??

There are no other gardeners about to ask this weather.


There is an art to overwintering broad beans, and peas for that
matter. IMO you need to plant them quite late in autumn so that they
dont grow too much before the cold weather shuts them down for the
winter. Also you need to make sure that the seeds you sow are ones
specifically bred for over wintering.

With our mild autumns and soil temperatures remaining high through
October, they would germinate almost immediately, and get a bit ahead
of themselves by December. Remember that many older gardening books
were written when the seasons were rather more 'normal', and may
suggest planting too early.

There is not a lot you can do with them now, just hope for the best
and have some spring-sow seeds ready for March. Although frosted, they
may recover slowly during milder weather, although they will probably
send up new shoots from below ground.