Lethargic Robin
On 17 Dec, 10:44, "'Mike'" wrote:
(Also posted on uk.rec.birdwatching but wondered if any gardeners have the
same problem characteristics in their Robins)
We have what can only be described as a lethargic Robin in out garden.
Yesterday it was sitting on the bottom bar of a trellis panel and didn't
move for ages.
Today it has taken up residence in the bird feeding house which hangs from
the beams of the veranda, just outside the patio doors.
Does eat occasionally. Feathers slightly puffed up making the appearance of
a youngster (could it be a youngster?)
Does this disease Trichomoniasis, which is hitting Greenfinches hit Robins
as well? Could this lethargic fellow be suffering?
How uncanny - yesterday I was doing some archery in the forest of
Finswaith in Windermere and I came across not one robin but two, both
very still for ages. On my second rounds of targets, I saw them again,
and actually wondered if they were targets!! I've no idea of diseases,
but they were both all puffed up, round and fluffy and their heads
moved. I suppose they're cold and keep their energy to find food?!