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Old 16-12-2007, 11:03 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
pied piper pied piper is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2006
Posts: 120
Default Laying a raised lawn problem ???

"A.Lee" wrote in message
thelane wrote:

I have a raised border that is about 4ft high, the depth of this
border is about 16ft.
I want to grass the whole area.
Whats the best way of going about it. Obviously the shrubs have got to
be dug out.
But then the soil will be soft.
What do I do ???

Dig any weeds/plants out.
Or, give everything a good spraying of Roundup weedkiller 3 weeks before
you want to lay the grass.

Then once it is bare earth, walk up and down it numerous times to
compact it a little. Copious use of the rake to get it as level as
possible.Walk over it again.
Lay turf, after finding a good turf supplier - some will sell you a cow
field as good turf. Get one that specifically grows it for turf.
Lay turf.No need to roller it, just (gently) walk over it to bed it down
Leave 3 months. Get 10 bags of washed sand from a builders merchant
(~£15) and use it to fill in any gaps and hollows. Put a bit of grass
seed down where there are hollows and gaps in the turf.
Leave another month and repeat.
6 months after laying, you should have a nice flat lawn.


do most of the above but avoid the washed sand as it will not integrate with
ur root zone thus causing a root break.
I f u lay the turf correctly u will have no gaps .
After turfing used a board to tread it down with.