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Old 15-12-2007, 05:16 AM posted to rec.gardens
David Hare-Scott David Hare-Scott is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 438
Default What does your garden look like now?

"Cheryl Isaak" wrote in message
Mine is mostly covered with the 5-6 inches of snow that fell yesterday. In
a few hours, while I'm waiting at the bus stop, I'll take some shots of the
stuff poking above the snow.


It's been warm and raining. The whole district looks like a picture postcard.
The grass in the field is a foot high, the horses are all fat and cannot eat
fast enough. The poppies are finished but the sunflowers and flowering shrubs
are good, the flower garden is in need of weeding.

Vege garden is looking great, artichokes just finishing, asparagus 5-6 ft high
waving in the breeze, eggplant coming on, tomatos growing like big fat weeds,
corn 5ft high and lush. I have more squash and cucumbers than we or the
neighbours can eat and the melons and pumpkins are fighting for territory.
The tree frogs have each claimed their own clump of rhubarb now that the
mating season is over.

I suspect the rabbits are breeding up too as Himself (the red kelpie) insists
on going out each night and comes back puffing. He really likes his MacBunny
Meals (TM). I had to kill a red-bellied black snake while mowing a few days
ago, sad but you really cannot have them round the house as visitors,
'specially kids, may want to play with them. I am still sneaking a few
strawberries as they ripen when I go out to work!
