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Old 13-12-2007, 01:09 AM posted to
Tom G Tom G is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2007
Posts: 5
Default Sears tractor keeps destroying pulleys

"Jim" wrote in message
tnom wrote:

John wrote:

My Sears 1000 XLT tractor is driving absloulutely nuts .


think about it like this this. the piece of junk was built
by the low bidder who LOL every time they think of how they
did not have to put their name on that piece of crap they
sold sears.


Are your replacement parts aftermarket parts? Did Sears
change their supplier of parts?

new low bidder for lots of replacement parts.

sears - where girlie-guys wives take them to shop

Worked for Sears for 15 years before retiring. It was my experience that it
was the other way around. Suppliers hated (not really) Sears because they
required a better product than the supplier provided under it's own name.
Sears bought without manufacturer's warranty and thus was stuck with the
repair costs if the product didn't hold up. I doubt that Sears went for the
lowest bidder as they never had a problem with marking up any product. Of
course, with the current competition from the other big boxes, they may have
changed their ways.

Tom G.