"Dave Liquorice" wrote in message
On Sun, 9 Dec 2007 11:48:24 -0000, Mary Fisher wrote:
The fat was liquid when I poured it down...
Come on, Dave, you know more about physics than to do such a silly thing
I do, you do, but I expect a significant number of the population don't.
Hence the reference to dripping in the fridge. If you have never seen what
happens to the "juices" from a roast once they go cold you won't have made
the connection, even then I expect people will think the hot water will
wash it away, whcih to some extent it will but not completely...
The watery juice from a roast is delicious gravy. The fat content is
delicious but not gravy. If left unattended the solid particles will grow
Baldies - don't get excited :-)
Dave. pam is missing e-mail