09-12-2007, 02:50 PM
posted to uk.environment.conservation,uk.rec.birdwatching,uk.rec.gardening,uk.business.agriculture
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 34
Piggy MRSA outbreak in Scotland AND LAUNDRY!!
"Barb" wrote in message
We seem to get better results drying indoors than outdoors, clothes
appear softer. On the line outside they tend to go stiff, we don't use
any softener either.
We also use Eco Balls http://www.ecoballsdirect.co.uk/ for everything
apart from our smalls and have no complaints. Must have cut our soap
powder usage down by 90% and saved us a few bob in the process.
Yes, I get the same result! And with our weather, it's not too often you
can hang out washing and go off and leave it ...
I used Eco Balls for a while, because I get terrible skin irritation from
all the cr*p they put in stuff these days. I now use a really economical
plant-based washing liquid from MyPure, which does the job really well,
and I don't have to separate the things that need "real" washing (!!!).
I can't use fabric conditioner, for the same reason, but I put in a few
ounces of apple vinegar in the rinse drawer - this softens the clothes
remarkebly well, and kills of fungi & stuff. Any residual vinegar smell
soon goes away and laundry smells fresh.
Better for me, better for my machine, better for the environment!!!
Wow, this is really, really far from pigs now ....!!!
To considerable relief in some quarters, I'm sure.
However, there are solutions.
Pat Gardiner
Barb UK