In message 3, Tom
Gardner writes
Si $3o&m wrote in :
In message , Nick Maclaren
In article ,
Tom Gardner writes:
| Well, I remember the days when 1/2 was a 7-bit character :-)
| I remember when they were three 5-bit characters.
| (I don't think they required 5 characters, but I'd
| have to check to be certain)
It depends on which 5-bit code. I can no longer remember either of
the ones I used.
quite a few here,
No 5 bit codes unless I've missed something.
I must be a little younger than Nick; I'm old enough to know of the
existence of Baudot code, but not old enough to have used it. (CDC
7600's and ICL 1900s/2900s used 6 bit codes.)
Stewart Robert Hinsley