Trying to ID a mysterious fruit
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05-12-2007, 01:54 PM posted to,uk.rec.gardening
Charlie Pridham[_2_]
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2007
Posts: 2,520
Trying to ID a mysterious fruit
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On 5/12/07 11:44, in article , "Nick
Maclaren" wrote:
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June Hughes writes:
| I don't think I shall put mine to the test, especially as Sacha has made
| the jelly and didn't like it. The flowers are lovely for the table in
| spring, though.
Yes. It is worth trying if you like sharp preserves, and it can be
used instead of apple together with blackberry.
| PS Tiptree do a lovely quince jelly but I should imagine they make
| theirs from the large hard, pale yellow fruit. I shall stick to that.
Yes, they do. And Bonne Maman. True quince is a lot more aromatic
and less acid than Japanese quince.
Nick Maclaren.
I've eaten that often in France but don't recall seeing it here. Now I know
about it I'll go looking for it, because that I really do love. The true
quince tree is a thing of great beauty, IMO and the older they are, the
better. A friend of ours has one in a courtyard which fills the entire
space. It must be getting on for 100 years old, I should think and it's
truly lovely, with huge golden fruits and wonderful gnarled branches.
Ours used to be my favourite plant, sadly since removing its roots from
my drains it now developes mildew on the leave each summer then
defoliates and barely sets a crop, I know they like damp places, but did
not realise they would object so strongly to dry ones.
Still anywhere thats not dry I think they make a wonderful small tree
with silver leaves and large showy flowers in spring, yellow autumn
leaves and yellow fruits which if you leave them till they drop make the
whole garden smell wonderful, plus of course they polinate any other
pears you may be growing.
Charlie Pridham, Gardening in Cornwall
Holders of national collections of Clematis viticella cultivars and
Lapageria rosea
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Charlie Pridham[_2_]
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