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Old 04-12-2007, 06:49 PM posted to,uk.rec.gardening
David Horne, _the_ chancellor David Horne, _the_ chancellor is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Dec 2007
Posts: 12
Default Trying to ID a mysterious fruit

June Hughes wrote:

In message , "David Horne,
_the_ chancellor (*)" writes

One fruit I particularly like but don't see much in the UK shops is
grenadilla (is there an English name?). Divine! Lidl (of all places!)
was selling them a while back...

We don't have a Lidl near here, although they have just opened an Aldi
in North Finchley. Are they similar in what they sell, please?

Similar- not quite the same, at least in the UK. Aldi (and Lidl) are
quite variable- excellent buys for some things. For example, fresh
mozzarella, proscuitto di parma. They also had an _excellent_ syrupy
balsamic vinegar a while back- the regular balsamic they have is fine,
but nothing special. Also, when in season they stock local veg-
excellent lancashire tomatoes in the ones here! Also, the baby leaf
salad is good. At the moment, the jumbo shrimp and scallops are very
good. Don't buy the lobster, very disappointing...

(*) ... of the royal duchy of city south and deansgate - real address on website
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