Trying to ID a mysterious fruit
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04-12-2007, 08:33 AM posted to,uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2007
Posts: 18
Trying to ID a mysterious fruit
Sacha wrote:
On 3/12/07 17:00, in article
, "Mike...."
Following up to
(Nick Maclaren) wrote:
"Some sort of japonica", in normal usage, can mean only one of the
Chaenomeles. Japonica as the name of a group of plants means that
and nothing else.
are there not various "japanese" quinces? I understood the meaning to
be that. I had an ormamental one in the garden for a time.
Japanese quinces are usually understood to be Chaenomeles and then
there are named varieties of that.
, you can make jelly from
Cydonia is the true quince with the large, golden, roughly
pear-shaped fruit - these are real beauties when mature trees but
they're not the 'mysterious fruit' I'm trying to ID.
All this sounds so exotic to me. I tend to grow apples, plums,
blackberries, rhubarb and blackcurrants. We do eat them and I cook with
them. I suppose it is because it is what I grew up with
I do try unknown
fruits but somehow I can't get to grips with them.
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