Trying to ID a mysterious fruit
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02-12-2007, 06:03 PM posted to,uk.rec.gardening
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2007
Posts: 2,995
Trying to ID a mysterious fruit
On 2/12/07 15:33, in article
, "bof"
In message , Sacha
On 2/12/07 11:09, in article , "bof"
In message , Sacha
On 1/12/07 20:01, in article , "bof"
In message , Sacha
Over on uk.rec.gardening, we're trying to identify this mysterious fruit
which we were given a couple of days ago. It is growing on a bush in a
garden near Bristol:
They smell very faintly citrusy to me and each seed chamber has two seeds
each side. She's not a gardener so can only tell me that the leaves are
leaf shaped, not huge, not leathery and that the fruits are autumnal.
Here's another pic of it cut across the fruit. You can see the
of the ridges clearly. As I say, it's about the size of a chestnut and a
little reminiscent of one when peeled and cooked.
It looks very quince like, and it's the right time of year for a bush
full of yellow fruit. The major difference to the quince here is the
regular deep grooving of the outside. Is the bush spiky? Is the skin
waxy? does it smell 'perfumed'?
I think we've pretty much done the 'is it quince' (Chaenomeles or Cydonia)
on urg and if it is, nobody can get to it. As you so rightly say, it's the
grooving that stumps everyone. My friend describes it as looking exactly
like a small (chestnut sized) pumpkin. One person has said it seems more
likely to be of the Pomoceae family because of the seed arrangement. I'm
totally stumped by it but so, it seems, is everyone else. To us, it has a
faint citrus smell so one sort of contradicts the other. It's peculiar
because while fresh it smells more citrus-y but as it shrivels and dries
it's beginning to smell like apples going off!
All that sounds like the bush I have that was identified as a
Japonica/Japanese quince by a knowledgeable source. Having just braved
the wind and rain here's what the fruit off mine looks like:
not such regular pronounced ridging but it's definitely there.
Makes fantastic aromatic jelly (after a lot of effort) and has a
wonderful display of strong pink blossom in the spring and the beautiful
bright yellow fruit in the autumn. But also has lethal thorns that leave
me covered in cuts and scratches after a pruning session.
FYI it roots really easily from woody cuttings and the seeds seems to
sprout readily if the fruit is just left on the ground over winter.
It's my favourite plant in the garden, I inherited it as a largish bush
when I bought a house and take a cutting with me when I move.
(x-post added to urg)
Sorry but no, that's not it. The ridges are neither regular enough, nor
pronounced enough. We have a Chaenomeles on the wall outside the front of
the house and I've had a look at that one, too. My friend says it looks
like a minute pumpkin, which is a very good description. Ray thinks it
looks like a small (as in teeny) Satsuma once peeled and of course without
the white pith etc.
How about this:
there's a couple photos of unripe fruit at the bottom of the page which
are much closer.
No, the shape is much more 'squashed' looking and the ridges absolutely
regular - at least on the two we were given.
South Devon
(remove weeds from address)
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