Thread: 'Lemon verbena'
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Old 02-12-2007, 10:56 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Sacha Sacha is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2007
Posts: 2,995
Default 'Lemon verbena'

On 2/12/07 09:45, in article , "Si"
$3o&m wrote:

In message , Sacha
On 1/12/07 15:56, in article
, "Anne
Jackson" wrote:

The message from Sacha contains these

Poached Fruit in Lemon Verbena Syrup
1? cups water
? cup Sauvignon Blanc
? cup sugar

What do the question marks signify, Sacha? 1/2?

Looking back at the recipes I found, all those mean one half of Sauvignon
Blanc and three quarters of a cup of sugar. In the ice cream recipe all of
them mean one half. I wonder why they 'translate' that way onto a pasted

cos usenet is a 7 bit medium and characters like 1/2 are characters that
require 8 bits and so end up as unknown in the 7 bit environment.

I'd like to pretend I understand that but I'm grateful anyway. ;-) In
future it's probably better to write out one half etc.

South Devon
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