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Old 02-12-2007, 03:10 PM posted to
Clark... Clark... is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2007
Posts: 64
Default Sears tractor keeps destroying pulleys

Steveo wrote:
John wrote:

If I hit a root or
stick or for whatever season the blade is stopped the belt will keep
the pulley spinning and the connection is destroyed.

Avoid hitting sticks with it if they are in the 10 inch range, eh

My Craftsman tractor has been great , well since they replaced it , which I
guess that means it has not been great but the replacement has been great.
Ya know since I can't bury my tree roots I've just been slicing them with
the Lawn Tractor, I think the tree's like it.

It is incredible what 3/4 of an inch in deck mower height can make.
(the killer 10" stick is an ornament on the Christmas tree this year)!

NOW on topic, the last time I saw a Sears Tech he told me the pulley
assembly's were not as good as say,
a 1965 Colt deluxe's, but only crazed nut jobs would want one of those ,
right Sarge?
Is there a way the OP could micky mouse the assembly so it would not strip

Don't you have Google in your part of the world?