Forms of Aromatherapy
Sacha wrote:
It's like dowsing - those who can't do it scoff at it, those of
us who can know just what it feels like and know that it is not 'in the
imagination'. People have employed dowsers and plant remedies for centuries
because they work. That is NOT to say that I think they should replace
alopathic medicine when it's necessary. That IS a dangerous attitude, IMO.
Oh here we go again ... Sacha, if you really think dowsing works and
you can surely prove it works because, ahem, "it works", I can
help you to a nice cool $1,000,000 (I know the dollar is not worth what
it used to be worth, but I bet even you'd appreciate the extra few
pennies :-).
And the little dig at "allopathic medicine" ... *Sigh*.
Let me know when you're ready to undergo the dowsing test. I'll split
the winnings with you - $999,999 to you and $1 to me. Sounds fair ?