Fruit and therefore plant ID, please
In message , Nick Maclaren
In article ,
Sacha writes:
| Cutting it transversely there are five seed chambers. Some have two small
| seeds in, some have one larger seed, about the size of an apple seed, just a
| little smaller. The chambers are well defined and yes, I suppose you could
| say there's a lining to them which is whiter than the pale green flesh of
| the fruit itself.
That matches the Pomoideae pretty well! I would still bet on it being
Chaenomeles or similar, because only the ridging is anomalous. But
exactly what?
5 locules is right for Chaenomeles (but also for Cydonia, and several
other pome fruits).
The fruiting pedicels of Chaenomeles are short or absent, which would be
another feature to verify.
Nick Maclaren.
Stewart Robert Hinsley