Strange plant, can anyone idenify it for me?
In message , Nick Maclaren
In article ,
Stewart Robert Hinsley writes:
| Almost impossible to tell until it flowers. It's almost certainly
| one of the Umbelliferae, but that leaf shape isn't rare in them.
| Nor are purplish stems. Somone may well be able to make a good
| guess, but that's all it can be - I can't.
| I don't share your certainty. It gives me the impression of one of the
| giant Herb Roberts. Geranium maderense seems the best match for the leaf
| shape. (And I don't see a match among the umbellifers in Keble-Martin.)
I think you're right! I knew that it wasn't anything I recognised,
but its leaves were very like sweet cicely. With hindsight, the
picture shows only one 'level' of leaves per stem, which isn't
something that is normal for the Umbelliferae. I should have
looked more carefully ....
Another point is that the leaves of Myrrhis (also Anthriscus,
Chaerophyllum, and Torilis, which all look rather similar) are pinnate,
and the photograph shows palmate leaves.
Nick Maclaren.
Stewart Robert Hinsley