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Old 26-11-2007, 05:45 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
michael michael is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Nov 2007
Posts: 96
Default growing onions from seed

On 26 Nov, 16:04, David in Normandy wrote:
In article 5aedf848-5370-44bc-84ab-e729c2a58986, michael says...

I have seen one or two articles which suggest sowing onion seed in
modules as follows.Put four or five seeds in each module under
warm(55F)conditions,and when the seedlings are 3-4 inches high,put
into a cold frame for a couple of weeks,and then plant out in early
April as they are.The idea is that the onions will bulb up and push
each other apart.Seems easy enough but cannot see it working well
enough to provide reasonably sized onions.I am not intending to grow
onions for showing,but just for the kitchen.An alternative method
suggested is to just sow onions in a 5" pot,grow on and harden off,and
then separate the onions and plant out singly on the onion bed.I have
grown onions from seed before,and found that they do not bolt as
readily as onion sets.However,I have planted out singly into modules
when the onion seedlings are quite small(at the crook stage)and it is
quite a fiddly job and incurs e reasonable proportion of losses.I
cannot sow seed directly as the ground slopes and is very dry,so I
have been using sets.But I really wish to go back to seed if I can
find a good easy way.Michael

I tried growing from seed by planting seeds in seed trays
last Autumn. They germinated and put limited growth on. I
planted the seedlings out in April BUT the biggest problem
was weeds. As the onion seedlings were so small and
delicate it meant a lot of hand weeding as the hoe was too
clumsy to get right up to them. I also planted some sets at
the same time. The sets fared better than the seedlings.

Unfortunately I lost lots of ripe onions (both from sets
and seed) due to stem rot this year. Probably due to all
the rain. First time I've ever lost any onions in many
years of growing them.
David in Normandy- Hide quoted text -

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Hi,David.Thanks for your reply.I.too.had problems with onion growing
last year,which for me also was the first time I lost many onions due
to stem rot,probably caused by downy mildew.Both the onions from seed
and those from sets fared badly and I am even thinking of moving the
onion patch since the existing one may well have been infected with
mildew spores.I have planted and dug in some green manure on the
existing patch as the type I have chosen is supposed to absorb mildew
spores,but we will see.I think the main reason in the UK for this
mildew,was the very wet June/July we had,which is certainly very
unusual here in Herefordshire.I do not have problem with weeds on my
ground,which certainly would suppress small onion plants,but with the
extreme dryness of the soil.The earlier I can plant the sets,then the
better crop I get.However,one is very limited as to choice of onion
variety with sets and I really do wish to persevere with seed for this
reason,and am looking for a way to sow onions which makes it easier to
transplant.The method that I think that I will try is to sow lots of
seed closely in a 5" pot,and grow them on until reasonably large and
then plant out.I would welcome some advice though as to whether I
would just end up with shallot sized onions-planting onions out singly
into modules or trays seems to me a lot of trouble as I grow lots of
onions,Best regards,Michael