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Old 05-04-2003, 07:33 AM
Heather Edwards
Posts: n/a
Default Swimming pool water

Do a pH test on your pool water it may reveal some valuable information for
you. Heather.
"Tom Elliott" wrote in message
During winter, I was using my swimming pool as a storage tank - low
evaporation and enough rainfall to keep it topped up. I wasn't using
any chlorine in it (I'm in Melbourne, it's way too cold to swim in
winter), so the water was fine for the garden.

Now I'm cleaning it in preparation for a long hot summer. When I
rinse the filter out, I'm left with a bucketful of yellow brown water,
which I guess is dust and other junk that has fallen into the pool.

Could there be anything harmful in this? I'm leaving the bucket in
the sun so the chlorine evaporates, so I guess it would be fine for
the garden. If anyone knows of a reason why this might not be true,
I'd be grateful to find out.

Happy Gardening!

Tom Elliott
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