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Old 22-11-2007, 01:12 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
doug doug is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Nov 2007
Posts: 17
Default Silly strawberries help pls

"Broadback" wrote in message
As usual I cut my strawberries right back after flowering, it did not
take long for the leaves to regrow. Unfortunately it did not stop
there, they have attempted to crop and as many as in season. Of course
though the fruits have formed, and grown quite well, they have not
ripened. What action should I take, and will their flowering this strong
reduce next years crop?

Most certainly. Prune them off, then they will keep their strength.
You may have noticed that many plants have started to recreate in autumn,
especially now, just before the frosts have decided to start visiting.
Depending upon whether you have them outside and live North or South, (in
Britain), I would give thought to henceforth potting them and growing them
on shelves in the greenhouse. I have been very successful with this method.
I don't need them now because I live alone, and have a big daily meal at my
Club, (doncherknow!).
Splendid Lady Chefs and the cost is so low it's not worth getting the
kitchen pots out at home. Less than three quid and includes a half pint
Shandy!. Also, in the season I can indulge myself on the billiard tables
or the bowling green.
Good luck!
Douglas Adam Denny.