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Old 21-11-2007, 05:42 PM posted to
Bosco Bosco is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Nov 2007
Posts: 10
Default Battery Charger Question - need part A-0705L - where can I find it ?

On Tue, 20 Nov 2007 18:40:38 GMT, "Srgnt Billko"

"Bosco" wrote in message
.. .
I have a battery charger, Husky brand. It's about the fourth one in a
row I've bought and had break. This one lasted longer than all the
others, combined. Meaning more than one day. Hey I don't explain 'em
it's just how it happened.

Right now it's a $45 paperweight. I believe the problem is a circuit
breaker (at least that's the only description I've found of it.) Part
number A-0705L. It's roughly 1 X 1/2 inch with two prongs sticking
up, one 90 degree from the other, 30A. I only describe it cuz in
other places I've asked several people suggest a house circuit
breaker. It's not one of those ...

The @($#*& manufacturer refuses to sell me the part, wanting me to
ship this 10 lb weight across country so they can put the part in.
I'd buy a new BC but I'm not having good luck with them.

Any ideas? Who might have this part. Is there a workaround ?
Anything ?

BTW, it isn't burned out (no burnt smell on the transformer). It
simply stopped working in the middle of a charge. It had been
charging for a few minutes, humming, then wasn't. It hadn't been
dropped, it was packed away in it's box after every use ( 5 or 6 max).

Thanks !

WTH are you doing to them ? I have 4 - the newest being about 10 years old

I know, I know ... no idea what the deal is ... snake bit is all ...
had 2 weed trimmers, and two or three leaf blowers that failed b4 the
90 day store warrenty ended or in one case just after being "repaired"
for two weeks which then took it out of warrenty. New Lawn Mower
worked all summer though !

and the others 2nd hand at yard sales. One is 12 volt, 10 or 2 amp.
Another is 4 amp, 6 or 12 volt. A 3rd is 12 volt, 10/30/50 amp fast start.
(can't remember when I used that last) And the 4th is in a remote shed -
not sure of it's rating. I use them on small lawn tractor batteries, 6 and
8 volt farm tractor batteries, and regular 12 volt car batteries. I think
they have circuit breakers that automatically reset.

This was being used on a mower battery.

Yes, circuit breaker, that automatically resets. Except it didn't.

I presume it didn't since there is very little else that can go wrong.
I'd like to replace it and find out ... can't find the friggin part
anywhere or a workaround ...